Tournament Rules
All games will be 15 minutes each way.
Teams must be ready to commence play at the appointed kick off time. A late arrival may result in points being forfeited.
In the event of a draw in knockout games ONLY, there will be no extra time. The match will go straight to penalties, 3 per team and then sudden death.
All teams should use their full complement of players, except where the pitch may be too crowded. In that case, subs should be rolled on / off as appropriate. All players should get equal match time.
Players must be behind the retreat line for opposition kick outs.
Throw-ins may be kicked in at age groups up to U9/U10 Boys and U10/U11 Girls. A player cannot score directly from a kick in.
The referee’s decision is final and not to be challenged by parents or players
Parents are asked to encourage all the players on their child’s team.
In the event of a disputed result, the decision of the organising committee will be final and discussions will not be entered into.
Information - Girls Tournaments
Under 7 to Under 9 (2013, 2014 and 2015 Born Girls)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 9am to get your respective jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 2pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 9.15am with 3 games to be played and finished final matches by 2pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
Under 10 to Under 11 (2011 and 2012 Born Girls)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 10.30am to get your respective jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 3.30pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 10am with 3 games to be played and finished final matches by 3.30pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
Under 12 to Under 14 (2008, 2009 and 2010 Born Girls)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 9.45am to get your respective jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 4.15pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 10.45am with 3 games to be played and finished final matches by 4.15pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
Information - Boys Tournaments
Under 7 to Under 8 (2014 and 2015 Born Boys)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 9.45am to get your respective jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 2.45pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 10.45am with 2 games to be played and finished final matches by 2.45pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
Under 9 to Under 10 (2012 and 2013 Born Boys)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 9am to get your respective jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 4.15pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 10am with 3 games to be played and finished final matches by 5pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
Under 11 to Under 12 (2010 and 2011 Born Boys)
Saturday: Arrive no later than 10.30am to get your respective team jersey and meet your manager. Finished by 5pm with 3 games to be played.
Sunday: Arrive no later than 11.30am with 3 games to be played and finished final matches by 5pm. Allow time for BBQ and Awards after your last match.
These are just a guide at this early stage and subject to change.
Please note that all children must be supervised by an adult at all times. We would also request that parking is kept to minimum (let's try walking or cycling) and if you must drive, please park considerately and respect our neighbours.